September 8, 2006

"u-Japan Promotion Program 2006" Developed

Since the development of the "u-Japan Policy Package" in December 2004, MIC has been steadily implementing the Policy Package. In response to the latest trends, MIC has developed the "u-Japan Promotion Program 2006" with the purposes of i1) identifying detailed ICT policies, ii2) ensuring the comprehensive promotion of the "u-Japan Policy Package," and iii3) specifying priority areas meeting current circumstances. Hereafter, we will manage 葬u-Japan Policy Package鋳 in this Program through the plan-do-check-action cycle.
The "u-Japan Promotion Program 2006" (Japanese-language version) is available at:
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International Policy Division,
International Affairs Department
Telecommunications Bureau, MIC
TEL: +81-3-5253-5920 / FAX: +81-3-5253-5924