Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
What Life will be Like When u-Japan Becomes a Reality
u-Japan in Our Every Lives
I want to live a healthy and active life as long as I can, but the hospital is far away. I want to see my granddaughter as much as I can, but I live very far away.
scene 1
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(2min. 44sec.)


scene 2
I want to be able to devote myself to my career, but I don’t want to neglect my family in doing so.
Play Movie
(2min. 48sec.)


I want to do my work professionally, as well as have friends and spend time with them. But time and distance prevent me.
scene 3
Play Movie
(1min. 40sec.)


scene 4
When you are disabled, there are so many obstacles to overcome. I want to be able to live like an ordinary person, without worrying my family.
Play Movie
(2min. 42sec.)


u-Japan in Commerce and Industry
Efficiency in Production Management Processes within Corporations Realize flexible collaboration between corporations
Advanced knowledge management within corporations Penetration of ICT use into all areas of industry
u-Japan Best Practices
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