July 13, 2018 Exceptional Identification Measure for Mobile Phone Subscribers in Case of Identification Difficulty due to Heavy Rain in July 2018

Act on Identification, etc. by Mobile Voice Communications Carriers of their Subscribers, etc. and for Prevention of Improper Use of Mobile Voice Communications Services (Act No. 31 of 2005) demands mobile voice communications carriers to confirm the identification of their service subscribers.
As a result of the heavy rain in July 2018, disaster victims may have lost their identification documents and they may not be able to prepare documents to identify themselves if they want to conclude mobile phone subscription contracts.
In this connection, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has decided to revise the Regulations for Enforcement of the Act on Identification, etc. by Mobile Voice Communications Carriers of their Subscribers, etc. and for Prevention of Improper Use of Mobile Voice Communications Services (MIC ordinance No. 167 of 2005). Accordingly, an exceptional identification measure shall apply until December 2018 from today (see attachment 1 and attachment 1 for an outline of the revisions to the ordinance and the revised provisions of the ordinance, respectively).


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