News Letter

Measures and policies, reports from study groups, statistical data, results of international conferences and similar information in the field of Information, Communication and Global ICT infrastructure development, including press releases, concerning Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) are delivered through e-mail and published on this page.

Vol.35 2024


  • Results of the Japan-EU Digital Partnership Council


  • Announcement of the Plan for Promoting Competition in the Mobile Communications Market

Vol.34 2023


  • The G7 Digital and Tech Ministers’ Meeting in Takasaki, Gunma, was held

Vol.33 2022


  • Improvements in ICT Literacy of Youth Generation


  • Toward the Realization of Beyond 5G to Support Social Infrastructure in the 2030s―Beyond 5G International Conference 2021 held


  • MIC is promoting the spread of telework

Vol.32 2021


  • Radio policies in the age of digital transformation have been compiled —Release of Report of Radio Policy Roundtable in the Age of Digital Transformation


  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) is working to create a fair, competitive environment for the mobile market.


  • Announcement of the Act Partially Amending the Telecommunications Business Act and the Act on Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, etc.


  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has recently compiled a set of measures that should be actively taken for priority areas in fiscal 2021 as MIC’s Priority Measures 2021 to aim for new regional and social construction through digital transformation.

Vol.31 2020


  • MIC’s Project on Development Demonstrations for Realizing Local 5G to Solve Local Issues


  • MIC Promotes JPQR, a Unified QR Code and Barcode Standard for Payments


  • MIC formulated“The MIC World Development ActionPlan 2020”(MIWDAP2020)


  • MIC’s Website (ICT Policy Webpage) now Provides ICT-related Information on Countermeasures against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Vol.30 2019


  • MIC has been holding roundtable meetings to discuss the direction of policies for realizing desirable Beyond 5G.


  • Telework


  • Announcement of the Local 5G Implementation Guidelines - Institutional Development for Local 5G implementation


  • Result of TICAD7 Official Side Event "Japan-Africa ICT High-level Round Table"


  • MOC with Argentina on Broadcast Content


  • Result of the G20 Ibaraki-Tsukuba Ministerial Meeting on Trade and Digital Economy

Vol.29 2018


  • Signing MOU with Ecuador on Cooperation in Fields of Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting and ICT


  • Result of G20 Digital Economy Ministerial Meeting
  • Results of the Visit of Shinsuke Okuno, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to Tunisia, Senegal. and Eritrea


  • Results of the Visit of Seiko Noda, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to Russia


  • Results of the Visit of Manabu Sakai, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications to Vietnam and Myanmar
  • Results of The Seventh Japan-EU ICT Strategy Workshop

Vol.28 2017


  • Results of the Visit of Seiko Noda, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to the Philippines
  • Results of the Visit of Manabu Sakai, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications to Peru and Colombia
  • Results of the Visit of Fumiaki Kobayashi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications to the U.S.


  • Results of 10th Japan-ASEAN Information Security Policy Meeting
  • Results of 23rd Japan-EU ICT Policy Dialogue and 6th Japan-EU ICT Strategy Workshop


  • Results of Visit of State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Jiro Akama to Belgium and Italy
  • Results of Fourth Meeting of Japan-India Joint Working Group


  • Results of 2016 Communications Usage Trend Survey
  • Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan and the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society of the Kingdom of Thailand in the field of Information, Communication and Digital Technology


  • Results of the Visit of Jiro Akama, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Thailand
  • Results of the Visit of Megumi Kaneko, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to the Republic of El Salvador and the Republic of Nicaragua


  • The first G20 Digital Ministers' Meeting
    Attendance of Ms. Megumi Kaneko, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications at the Meeting
  • Signing Memorandum of Cooperation in the Field of ICT between Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan and Department of Information and Communications Technology in the Philippines
  • Results of Talks with Sanae Takaichi, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, and H.E. Mr. Truong Minh Tuan, Minister of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Vol.27 2016


  • Results of Visit of Ms. Sanae Takaichi, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to Malaysia
  • Results of the Visit of Megumi Kaneko, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to the Republic of Union of Myanmar


  • The results of the 11th ASEAN+Japan Telecomminications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting


  • The Outcomes of APECTEL 54 (54th APEC Telecommunication and Information Working Group Meeting)


  • Results of the Visit of Jiro Akama, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


  • Results of the Visit of Megumi Kaneko, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to the Republic of Kenya
  • Results of the Visit of Jiro Akama, State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Republic of Peru


  • Announcement of the 2016 Report on the Current Status of Information and Communications (2016 White Paper on Information and Communications in Japan)


  • Outcomes of the G7 ICT Ministers' Meeting in Takamatsu, Kagawa
  • Major Events Associated with the G7 ICT Ministers’ Meeting

Vol.26 2015


  • Holding G-7 Ministerial Conference on Information and Communications Technology
  • Results of Talks between Minister Sanae Takaichi for Internal Affairs and Communications and Vietnamese Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Bac Son


  • Results of Talks between H.E. Sanae Takaichi, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications and Union Minister U Myat Hein for Communications and Information Technology of Myanmar/li>
  • Dr. Ken Sakamura (Professor of the University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate school of Interdisciplinary) Receives ITU 150 Award


  • Signing Joint Declaration between Japan and EC on Strategic Cooperation on Future Generation of Communication Networks First joint declaration to establish concrete cooperation on 5G between Japan and EU


  • Results of Visit of H.E. Sanae Takaichi, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, to Thailand.
  • Results of State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Kosaburo Nishime’s Visit to the Republic of Chile Joint Statement Signed on Strengthening ICT Cooperation on Issues such as Communication Satellites and Improvement of Digital Network.


  • "Radio Use Environment Symposium" to be Held


  • The 13th ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) to be Held in Hiroshima.


  • Results of 21st EU-Japan High Level ICT Dialogue and 1st EU-Japan ICT Strategy Workshop
  • Results of Invitation of Mission of Vice Minister Quintanilla for Telecommunications and Information Society and Others from the Republic of Ecuador Initiatives for Development of ICT Public-Private Joint Project between Japan and Ecuador Society