May 31, 2019 Implementation of FY2019 Awareness-raising and Enlightenment Period for Protection of Environment of Radio Wave Utilization

No Grace for Illegal Radio

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has decided to implement awareness-raising and enlightenment activities related to the protection of the environment of radio wave utilization in an intensive and concentrated manner from Saturday, June 1* through Monday, June 10, 2019, in particular, under the catchphrase, “No Grace for Illegal Radio.”
MIC will promote the development of an ideal environment of radio wave use, setting up June for a period for strengthening a crackdown on unlicensed radio stations.

*June 1 is Radio Wave Day. Radio Wave Day was established in 1950 to commemorate the liberalization of radio wave use from being a government-exclusive tool to one that could be used by all citizens, by virtue of the enactment of the Radio Act, the Broadcast Act, and the Act for Establishment of the Radio Regulatory Commission.


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