October 30, 2020 Contact Points Established by Japan Federation of Labor and Social Security Attorney’s Associations in Linking with Telework Support Network Project

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) is implementing a telework support network project. This project supports the introduction of telework to small and medium-sized enterprises and local public organizations in each region nationwide in cooperation with organizations that support local small and medium-sized enterprises.
In this connection, the Japan Federation of Labor and Social Security Attorney’s Associations has recently established contact points at the Labor and Social Security Attorney’s Associations in 47 prefectures nationwide in linking with the telework support network project.

1. Background and purpose

In the telework support network project, organizations that support small and medium-sized enterprises in each region nationwide will be a contact point for assisting businesses in the introduction of telework. Each contact point provides support for the introduction of telework by responding to consultations and inquiries about telework and holding consultation meetings and seminars for the introduction of telework.
Labor and social security attorneys, as labor and social insurance experts, have been providing labor-management consultations for various industries and occupations, including small and medium-sized enterprises. Accordingly, in linking with the telework support network project, MIC has decided to have the Labor and Social Security Attorney’s Associations in 47 prefectures nationwide set up contact points to deal with COVID-19 and establish a new lifestyle.
In the future, each contact point will provide consultations and inquiries regarding the introduction of telework, including labor management.

2. Consultation and contact information on each contact point

General Labor Counseling Center
Labor-management consultation desk for telework (Navi Dial)
Phone: 0570-064-794

  • *
    A caller will be connected to the nearest prefectural Labor and Social Security Attorney’s Association (for reservation-based face-to-face consultation except in some areas).

3. Inquiries about telework support network project

Contact the Telework Support Network Secretariat for consultations and inquiries regarding the establishment of contact points and the holding of consultation meetings and seminars.
Telework Support Network Secretariat
Phone: 03-5422-1517
Email: jimukyoku(at)teleworksupport.go.jp

  • Note: Please change “_atmark_” to “@” when you send an email.


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International Policy Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC

TEL: +81 3 5253 5920

FAX: +81 3 5253 5924