December 3, 2020 Results of Fourth Meeting of Japan-Viet Nam Joint Working Group

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and the Ministry of Information and Communications of Viet Nam held the fourth meeting of the Japan-Viet Nam Joint Working Group on December 1, 2020. The participants from Japan were headed by Mr. WATANABE Ken, Director-General for International Affairs of MIC’s Global Strategy Bureau. Those from Viet Nam were led by Mr. Trieu Minh Long, Director-General of the International Cooperation Department.
At the meeting, Japan and Viet Nam discussed their further cooperation in the cybersecurity, 5G, digital transformation, and postal fields for the future.

1. Date

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

2. Place

Held online

3. Participant

Japanese side: Mr. WATANABE (Director-General for International Affairs, Global Strategy Bureau), Mr. SAKAIRI (Director of Global ICT Business Promotion Office), and other officials
Vietnamese side: Mr. Trieu Minh Long (Director-General of the International Cooperation Department) and other officials

4. Results of meeting

MIC and the Ministry of Information and Communications of Viet Nam discussed their further cooperation in the cybersecurity, 5G, digital transformation, and postal fields for the future.

1. Cybersecurity

Japan and Viet Nam confirmed their continuance of exchanging information in the field of cybersecurity. Furthermore, they confirmed the reinforcement of the two countries’ cooperation in human resource development in cybersecurity through the ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Capacity Building Centre (AJCCBC) and technical cooperation projects on cybersecurity and other opportunities.

2. 5G

Japan and Viet Nam exchanged opinions on initiatives, including 5G, local 5G, O-RAN, and vRAN. They agreed to conduct a survey for a demonstration experiment of local 5G in Viet Nam and to continue cooperation between the two countries in the 5G field.

3. Digital transformation

Japan and Viet Nam exchanged opinions on Viet Nam’s digital transformation (DX) program and introduced Japan’s specific advanced technologies (medical ICT, 5G, etc.) related to DX. Japan and Viet Nam agreed to continue providing information on DX-related policies and specific initiatives.

4. Post

Japan and Viet Nam agreed to continue their cooperation toward the early realization of the full-scale operation of a project on constructing a social security database centered on domestic Viet Nam mail.


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