May 29, 2020 Official Announcement of Results of Occasional Survey on Actual Radio Spectrum Usage of Public Radio Stations and Appeal for Opinions on Draft Evaluation Results

  The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications compiles the results of an occasional survey on the usage status of public radio stations based on the provisions of Article 26-2 of the Radio Act (Act No. 131 of 1950). Furthermore, MIC drafted a summary of the results of the occasional survey on the actual radio spectrum usage of public radio stations, along with the evaluation results of the survey. Accordingly, MIC will make an appeal for opinions from Saturday, May 30 through Monday, June 29, 2020.

1. Purpose of survey and evaluations

The Act on Partially Amending the Radio Act (Act No. 6 of 2019) was promulgated on May 17, 2019. Under this act, an institutional system was established to allow the collection of radio wave usage fees from public radio stations that are currently exempt from radio usage fees. This system applies to public radio stations that use inefficient technologies (except for those that have a low need to promote the introduction of efficient technologies) to encourage the effective use of radio waves. With consideration of the establishment of the system, MIC conducted this occasional survey on the radio spectrum usage to consider the applicable scope of the system.

2. Survey outline

1. Subject of survey

MIC conducted the survey based on MIC Notice No. 77 (Matters that determine necessary items for conducting an occasional survey on usage spectrum usage). The survey covered radio stations established by those listed in each item of Article 103-2, Paragraph 14 of the Radio Act, and used for office work specified in these items and radio stations listed in Paragraph 15, items (i) and (ii) of the said article.

2. Items and method of survey

The survey was conducted by sorting information on comprehensive radio station management files prescribed in Article 103-2, Paragraph 4, item (ii) of the Radio Act, and collecting information on items to be reported from licensees (by questionnaires) based on Articled 26-2, Paragraph 5, based on MIC Notice No, 77, Paragraph 3.

3. Officially announced document

Draft Results of Occasional Survey on Actual Radio Spectrum Usage of Public Radio Stations

4. Procedure of appeal for opinions

1. Subject

Official Announcement of Results of Occasional Survey on Actual Radio Spectrum Usage of Public Radio Stations and Appeal for Opinions on Draft Evaluation Results

2. Submission deadline

From Saturday, May 30, and no later than Monday, June 29, 2020 (Submission of opinions by mail must also arrive no later than the deadline date.)

5. Future plans

With consideration of the results of this appeal for opinions, MIC will submit an inquiry to the Radio Regulatory Council concerning the evaluations of the occasional survey on the actual radio spectrum usage of public radio stations, the response of which MIC will officially announce in due course.

6. Method for obtaining references

Reference information will be available for viewing and obtaining copies at the MIC’s Radio Policy Division, Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau (Central Gov’t Building No. 2 10F). It will also be posted on the public comment page of the e-Gov ( Open a new window).


For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website

International Policy Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC

TEL: +81 3 5253 5920

FAX: +81 3 5253 5924