January 8, 2021 Results of Appeal for Opinions on Draft Official Directive for Partial Revision of Examination Standards related to the Radio Act

Institutional development for introduction of public broadband mobile communications systems

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) made an appeal for opinions from Thursday, October 15 through Monday, November 16, 2020, on a drafted partial revision to the Examination Standards (MIC Directive No. 67 of 2001) related to the Radio Act for institutional development for an expansion of the user entities and the operational range of public broadband mobile communications systems (hereafter referred to as “public BBs”).

1. Outline of revision

A report (released in August 2018) from a growth strategy roundtable meeting for effective use of radio waves (chaired by TAGAYA Kazuteru, Professor Emeritus, Chiba University) suggests that it is necessary to promote public BBs by making them as flexible as possible. So far, the usage of public BBs is limited to some licensees.
Furthermore, a report (released in March 2020) from a survey study group on the effective use of the sky for public BBs in mountainous areas (chaired by SASAMORI Fumihito, Professor, Shinshu University) describes the results of an examination on the effectiveness and technical conditions for the use of public BBs over the sky.
Considering the above, MIC will revise the Examination Standards related to the Radio Act Radio to promote public BBs by expanding public BB users and the scope of usage.

2. Results of appeal for opinions

The published material is in Japanese only.

3. Method for obtaining reference information

Reference information will be posted on the public comment page of the e-Gov (https://www.e-gov.go.jp/ Open a new window).


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