January 15, 2021 MIC Releases the Annual Report on Spectrum User Fees in FY2019

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has released the annual report on Spectrum User Fees in FY2019.

1. Background

Spectrum User Fees are collected by MIC from radio station licensees to cover the costs required for radio stations administration. The objective of the Spectrum User Fees is to promote the proper and effective utilization of radio wave.
Usages of the Fees are stipulated in Article 103-2, Paragraph 4 of the Radio Act (Act No. 131 of 1950). The role of the Fees are becoming more important as radio wave spectrum is getting more scarce due to extensive utilization of radio wave.
It is important that MIC releases annual reports on the Fees for its proper use and accountability towards the radio station licencees.
For this reason, MIC has released the annual report on Spectrum User Fees in FY2019 under the provision of Article 103-3, Paragraph 3 of the Radio Act.
Please refer to the corresponding website in Japanese for more details.


For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website

International Policy Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC

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FAX: +81 3 5253 5924