January 18, 2021 Decision on Certification of Personal Data Trust Bank
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) have been holding The Study Group for Certification Scheme of Personal Data Trust Bank. Based on the Guideline on Certification of Personal Data Trust Bank from this study group, the certification of a Personal Data Trust Bank has been newly decided.
In collaboration with METI, MIC promotes the social implementation of Personal Data Trust Banks, which serve as a mechanism for promoting data distribution and utilization with individuals’ involvement. Based on the Guideline on Certification of Personal Data Trust Bank, the Information Technology Federation of Japan has certified five Personal Data Trust Banks so far. My Data Intelligence Inc. has recently been certified as the sixth Personal Data Trust Bank.
2.Efforts to Popularize Personal Data Trust Banks
The Information Technology Federation of Japan provides the latest information on Personal Data Trust Bank through online seminars and email newsletters. Furthermore, it provides individual preparatory consultation for businesses considering the acquisition of certification of Personal Data Trust Bank or businesses planning Personal Data Trust Bank services.
MIC will continue promoting public awareness of Personal Data Trust Banks and developing their safety, security, and reliability through further certification of Personal Data Trust Bank.
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