January 22, 2021 Public Appeal for Proposals related to New R&D Themes Contributing to Expansion of Radio Wave Resources

1. Background and purpose

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has been conducting Research and Development (R&D) for Expansion of Radio Wave Resources to promote the effective use of radio waves. This R&D aims to alleviate the tightness of frequencies due to an increase in frequency demand as a result of the recent development of traffic and to respond precisely to new frequency demand.
Accordingly, MIC has decided to make an appeal for proposals for new R&D themes that will contribute to expansion of radio resources and use them as basic data on the selection of new R&D issues to be implemented from fiscal 2022.

2. Submission period

From Saturday, January 23 through Friday, March 12, 2021

3. Details of appeal for opinions

1. Target

The R&D themes for which MIC makes an appeal should meet the following requirements (1. and 2.).
However, those that overlap with R&D themes that have already been implemented, technologies that have already been developed and have no R&D elements, or combinations of these, are not eligible. For details of the R&D themes that have already been carried out, refer to the webpage for radio waves (R&D for Expansion of Radio Wave Resources).

https://www.tele.soumu.go.jp/e/index.htm Open a new window

This appeal does not recruit R&D contractors.

1. R&D issues related to technologies that contribute to the effective use of radio waves (i.e., 1. Technologies that efficiently use frequencies, 2. Technologies that promote shared use of frequencies, and 3. Technologies that promote the transition to higher frequencies.) For example, the following technologies are applicable:

  • 1.
    Technologies for efficient use of radio waves, such as the compression of currently used frequency bands
  • 2.
    Technologies that enable the joint use of new wireless systems under existing wireless systems
  • 3.
    Technologies to pioneer technical and economical use of high-frequency bands such as the high-microwave band, millimeter-wave band, and terahertz band, and promote migration to these frequency bands

2. R&D themes must be completed within approximately five years.

2. Proposal method

There are no particular restrictions on the eligibility of proposals. An applicant should fill out the required information in Japanese and submit it by email or postal mail by the deadline.

1. Submission address

Central Gov’t Building No. 2 10F
2-1-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8926, Japan
Development Office, Radio Policy Division, Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Tel.: 03-5253-5876
Email: wireless-rd_atmark_ml.soumu.go.jp
(@ is expressed as “_atmark_” to prevent spam mails. Please change _atmark_ to @) when you send an email.

2. Submission deadline

No later than 5 p.m. on Friday, March 12, 2021 (Opinions, if submitted by postal mail, must arrive no later than the deadline date.)

4. Handling of proposals

  • 1.
    The content of proposals submitted will be utilized as basic data for considering projects to be newly implemented from fiscal 2022 for R&D for Expansion of Radio Wave Resources. In this process, the Development Office may inquire about the content of your proposal.
  • 2.
    The MIC will request the budget for the necessary amount for R&D theses that have been decided to be given priority among those submitted, through the assessment committee, etc. by academic experts (around July 2021) toward implementation of the R&D from fiscal 2021.

5. Others

Regarding the R&D to be carried out from fiscal 2022 on the basis of proposals received, MIC plans to open a public offering of contractors around March 2021.


For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website

International Policy Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC

TEL: +81 3 5253 5920

FAX: +81 3 5253 5924