January 22, 2021 Appeal for Opinions Designation of Telecommunications Carriers Subject to Article 27-3 of the Telecommunications Business Act
The Information and Communications and Posts Administrative Council received an inquiry on January 22, 2021, from the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications about the designation of telecommunications carriers subject to Article 27-3 of the Telecommunications Business Act. Accordingly, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has decided to make an appeal for opinions on a draft notice for the designation from Saturday, January 23 through Monday, February 22, 2021.
1. Overview
MIC’s new notice is for the renewed designation of target telecommunications carriers. This decision is based on the result of a review on the latest status of service provision by businesses that are subject to Article 27-3 of the Telecommunications Business Act, which specifies the complete separation of communications charges and terminal prices in the mobile market and the prohibition of the improper enclosure of customers.
2. Guidelines for appealing opinions
1. Subject of appeal for opinions
Designation of telecommunications carriers that are subject to Article 27-3, Paragraph 1 of the Telecommunications Business Act, according to Article 27-3, Paragraph 2 of the Telecommunications Business Act
2. Submission period
From Saturday, January 23 and no later than Monday, February 22, 2021 (Opinions, if submitted by mail, must arrive no later than the deadline date.)
3. Future plans
Considering the result of the appeal for opinions, the Information and Communications and Posts Administrative Council will deliberate the matter and report to the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications.
For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website
International Policy Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC
TEL: +81 3 5253 5920
FAX: +81 3 5253 5924