December 20, 2021 Holding Meeting of Study Group on the Advancement of Space Weather Forecasting

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) will organize a Study Group on the Advancement of Space Weather Forecasting to study the ideal state of advanced space weather forecasting.

1. Purpose

Solar activity can cause anomalies in social infrastructure, including aviation radios, power grids, communications, broadcasting, and positioning systems, which may significantly impact our socio-economic activities.
For this reason, the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) observes and analyzes solar activity, the ionosphere, and the magnetosphere and provides related organizations with forecasts (space weather forecasts) and warnings under 24-hour, 365-day human-crewed operation.
Space weather forecasting is related directly to the safety and security of socio-economic activities. The importance of space weather forecasting is increasing as an essential service for companies responsible for the stable operation of social infrastructure and for industries that face risks posed by solar activity. Recent studies on the impact of solar activity on society have shown that it is necessary to re-examine the impact on social infrastructure with industry participation.
This year, there has been a movement to prepare a full-scale plan to deal with space weather in the international community. For example, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has designated bad space weather as one of the disasters to be dealt with. Furthermore, the British government has announced a national strategy in preparation for severe space weather.
Considering this situation, MIC has decided to establish this study group to examine the national observation and analysis capabilities and the ideal state to deal with space weather forecasting in a cross-sectoral manner.

2. Matters for consideration

  • 1.
    Ideal state of strengthening observation, analysis, forecasting, and warning at NICT and other entities
  • 2.
    Impacts on social infrastructure and ideal state of dealing with them
  • 3.
    Ideal state of policy response based on the above
  • 4.

3. Schedule

The first meeting will be held in January 2022, followed by successive meetings until June 2022.

4. Members

  • *
    The published material is in Japanese only.


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