April 16, 2021 Commencement of Acceptance of Applications for FY2021 Project to Dispatch Regional Computerization Advisors

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has commissioned 212 experts as Regional Computerization Advisors for FY2021. Accordingly, MIC started accepting applications today for requesting the dispatch of Regional Computerization Advisors under the Dispatch System of Regional Computerization Advisors.

Dispatch System of Regional Computerization Advisors

MIC has been implementing a project since fiscal 2007 to commission experts as Regional Computerization Advisors (hereafter “Advisors), who are familiar with the resolution of regional issues using information and communications technology (ICT) and data utilization, and to dispatch them to regional areas to give advice on ICT utilization at the request of local governments.

  • *
    The published material is in Japanese only.


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