May 26, 2021 Technical Conditions related to the Sophistication of Fixed Communications Systems in 11/15/18 GHz Bands

Partial report from Information and Communications Council

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) received a partial report from the Information and Communications Council (Chaired by UCHIYAMADA Takeshi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Toyota Motor Corporation) on May 25, 2021. The report specifies some technical conditions for the sophistication of fixed communication systems in 11/15/18 GHz bands as part of the technical requirements for upgrading commercial and official land radiocommunications (Inquiry No. 2033 of May 17, 2013).

1. Background

Fixed communications systems, including those for enterprises and mobile phone carriers’ base stations, along with optical fiber networks, play an essential role in information and communications infrastructure. The need for fixed communication systems will continue to be recognized. In the meantime, it has been desired to speed up and prolong fixed communications systems by adopting technical standards and line design methods that conform to European standards.
With consideration of these needs, the Land Radiocommunication Subcommittee of the Department on Information and Communications Technology under the Information and Communications Council started studying technical conditions for the sophistication of fixed communication systems in 11/15/18 GHz bands as part of the technical requirements for upgrading commercial and official land radiocommunications in September 2020 and has issued a report this May.
The Department on Information and Communications Technology under the Information and Communications Council deliberated on the result of the study of the Land Radiocommunication Subcommittee, and MIC received this partial report from the Information and Communications Council on May 25, 2021.

2. Partial Report

The published material is in Japanese only.

3. Future plans

With consideration of the partial report, MIC will promptly make the institutional development of relevant regulations.


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