July 14, 2021 Appeal for Opinions on Draft of 2021 Report of Study Group on Consumer Protection Rules

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) will make an appeal for opinions from Thursday, July 15 through Wednesday, August 18, 2021, on a draft report of a Study Group on Consumer Protection Rules (Chief investigator: NIIMI Ikufumi, professor emeritus, Meiji University).

1. Overview

The Study Group on Consumer Protection Rules (Chief investigator: NIIMI Ikufumi, professor emeritus, Meiji University) is constantly examining and reviewing the current consumer protection rules, which have been enhanced and strengthened by the 2015 and 2019 amendments to the Telecommunications Business Act.
In the 21st meeting in June 2020, the study meeting started vigorously discussing current issues in light of the impact of the spread of COVID-19 continuing from last year and changes in the overall social environment, including the development and deepening of the Internet of Things (IoT). As a result, a certain direction has now been obtained. Accordingly, the study meeting compiled the result into a draft report for 2021, and MIC has decided to make this appeal for opinions widely on the draft.

2. Procedure of appeal for opinions etc.

1. Subject

Draft of 2021 Report of Study Group on Consumer Protection Rules

2. Procedure of appeal for opinions

  • *
    The published material is in Japanese only.

3. Submission deadline

Wednesday, August 18, 2021 (opinions submitted by postal mail will be accepted if postmarked the same day.)

3. Future plans

This meeting will finalize the report with consideration of the result of the appeal for opinions.


For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website

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