July 19, 2021 Release of Guidebook for Corporate Privacy Governance in the DX Era Ver. 1.1

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) have published the Guidebook for Corporate Privacy Governance in the DX Era Ver. 1.1. Against the backdrop of accelerating digitalization, privacy considerations in the use of personal data are becoming increasingly important, and companies are being asked to establish privacy governance. METI and MIC have updated a number of specific examples that can be used as a reference in implementing privacy governance.

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    Corporate privacy governance refers to the management’s commitment to proactively address privacy issues and establish and functionalize a system for addressing privacy issues throughout the organization to enhance the corporate value through the appropriate risk management of privacy issues and securing the trust of the company.

1. Background, history, and update points

As society’s digital transformation (DX) progresses, there is a growing demand for privacy protection and solutions to social issues through innovation. In the future, if companies view proactively addressing privacy-related issues not as a cost but as a management strategy to improve the quality of their products and services, it will gain the trust of consumers and eventually increase corporate value.
Against this backdrop, in August 2020, METI and MIC, with their Study Group on the Model of Corporate Privacy Governance (chaired by SATO Ichiro, Professor, the National Institute of Informatics), formulated the Guidebook for Corporate Privacy Governance in the DX Era Ver. 1.0, a summary of what companies need to do to build privacy governance.
After that, METI and MIC received opinions from various quarters. In response to their requests for more practical examples of companies, METI and MIC have updated the contents with concrete examples and published the Guidebook for Corporate Privacy Governance in the DX Era Ver. 1.1. These examples can be used as a reference for companies that will build their privacy governance.
METI and MIC have updated the information in the references and other documents. METI and MIC will continue updating this guidebook, considering social trends as appropriate.

2. Published material

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    The published material is in Japanese only.


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