October 3, 2022 Solicitation of Proposals Regarding the Future Image of a Society Created via Use of the Metaverse, etc. and Challenges to Its Realization

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has set up the Study Group on the Use of Metaverse Anticipating Web3 Era, which will envisage specific usage scenarios for the metaverse, etc., and summarize the challenges to be addressed in order to create more user-friendly, easily-understood services.
To facilitate wider-ranging discussions by the Study Group, MIC is soliciting proposals from Monday, October 3 through Wednesday, November 30, 2022, on the future image of a society that could be created via use of the metaverse, etc. and challenges that should be considered in relation to its realization.

1. Purpose

In light of the fact that use of the metaverse and other virtual spaces (herein referred to as the "metaverse, etc.") is progressing rapidly, MIC has set up the Study Group on the Use of Metaverse Anticipating Web3 Era, with the objective of identifying challenges relating to the administration of information and communications, while keeping in mind various usage scenarios.
Assorted metaverse, etc. usage scenarios have been envisaged in discussions by the experts of this Study Group, and MIC is now soliciting ideas for the future image of a society that could be created via use of the metaverse, etc. and challenges that should be considered, to facilitate efforts to identify challenges.

2. Submission method

Please submit proposals by e-mail to the Secretariat of the Study Group on the Use of Metaverse Anticipating Web3 Era, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, using the dedicated e-mail address for proposals.
Please note that the maximum size of e-mails that can be accepted is 10 MB including the body text and any attachments.
Dedicated e-mail address for proposals: metaverse-RFI@ml.soumu.go.jp

  • *
    If you are absolutely unable to submit your proposal using the proposal forms, please provide the details requested on the proposal form and attachment in the body of the e-mail itself.

3. Deadline for submissions

No later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 30, 2022

4. Future plans

The proposals received will be reported to the Study Group on the Use of Metaverse Anticipating Web3 Era, published, and used in discussions by the Study Group.

  • *
    The published materials are in Japanese only.


For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website

Global Strategy Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC

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FAX: +81 3 5253 5924