December 13, 2022 Publication of First Interim Report on FY2022 Test Purchase of Wireless Communications Devices

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) conducts an initiative under which it purchases potentially nonconforming wireless communications devices sold on online shopping sites, checks whether they conform to the technical regulations of the Radio Act (i.e. a test purchase of wireless communications devices), and publishes its findings. MIC has recently summarized and published the first interim report on its findings in FY2022.

1. Outline of the initiative

Recent years have seen high availability on online shopping sites of wireless communications devices that do not conform to the technical standards prescribed in the Radio Act (Act No. 131 of 1950) or that emit radio waves in excess of the standards for "radio stations operating with extremely low power of emission" (hereinafter, "extremely low-power radio stations"), as prescribed in Article 6, Paragraph 1 of the Regulations for Enforcement of the Radio Act (Radio Regulatory Commission Rules No. 14 of 1950). As a result, there have been cases in which such devices have caused interference or other obstruction to other radio stations.
MIC therefore purchases wireless communications devices circulating on the market that are suspected of nonconformity with these standards, measures whether the strength and other properties of the radio waves emitted comply with the relevant technical regulations, and publishes information on nonconforming wireless communications devices. This initiative prevents ordinary consumers from violating the Radio Act provisions regarding the illegal establishment of radio stations by purchasing and using wireless communications devices that do not conform to the technical regulations, and also prevents interference or other obstruction to other radio stations.
MIC has recently summarized and published the first interim report on the results of the FY2022 test purchase of wireless communications devices.

2. Results of the initiative

MIC purchased 55 models of such devices on the market and measured whether they emit radio waves in excess of the standards for extremely low-power radio stations. 51 of the devices were found to emit radio waves in excess of the standards for extremely low-power radio stations. The results have been published on the Radio Use Web Site.
MIC also conducts an initiative under which wireless communications devices conforming to the standards for extremely low-power radio stations may display a certification mark.

3. Future plans

MIC will continue to conduct this test purchase initiative and ensure an environment conducive to the appropriate use of radio waves by working with relevant organizations and seeking to influence vendors.

  • *
    The published materials are in Japanese only.


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