March 30, 2022 Publication of Guidebook for Utilization of Camera Images Ver. 3.0

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) have formulated the Guidebook for Utilization of Camera Images Ver. 3.0 illustrating points of attention in utilizing camera images for business purposes and providing specific examples including photographs and illustrations.

1. Background

METI and MIC, through the Utilization of Camera Images Sub-Working Group (chaired by KIKUCHI Hiroaki, professor in the Department of Frontier Media Science, School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University)established under the IoT Acceleration Consortium's Data Distribution Promotion Working Group (chaired by MORIKAWA Hiroyuki, graduate school professor at the University of Tokyo) established with the goal of boosting data-related transactions across fields and industries, have considered the utilization of camera images based on use cases, while also taking privacy into account.
Experts with profound views on privacy and data usage participated in these meetings, discussing responses to the 2020 and 2021 Amendments to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, extra considerations from a privacy protection viewpoint, discussions from a governance viewpoint, and considerations according to technological progress. METI and MIC have formulated and publicized the Guidebook for Utilization of Camera Images Ver. 3.0 based on the results of the discussion, while also considering the past discussion and inputs from public comment.
This guidebook is intended as a reference, from a privacy protection viewpoint and assuming compliance with laws and regulations, to encourage businesses to voluntarily take steps to build mutual understanding and trust between themselves and consumers, rather than just focusing on legality.
METI and MIC hope that businesses can effectively utilize the guidebook to make concrete advances in the utilization of camera images and data.

  • *
    The published material is in Japanese only.

2. Published material

  • *
    The published material is in Japanese only.


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