March 31, 2022 Release of the First summary of the Study Group on New Allocation Methods for Mobile Phone Frequencies

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has organized the Study Group on New Allocation Methods for Mobile Phone Frequencies to ensure fair and efficient use of radio waves in light of the rapid increase in the need to use mobile phone frequencies.
MIC releases the First summary based on the topics discussed at the study group, such as the potential advantages and disadvantages of a spectrum auction frequently used in foreign countries and measures to address these disadvantages.

1. Purpose

In Japan, the need for mobile phone frequencies is rapidly increasing due to the introduction of 5G and technological innovation. To further promote the effective use of radio waves and ensure the fair and efficient use of radio waves, there is a growing need to study new allocation methods for mobile phone frequencies.
Following this, MIC launched the Study Group on New Allocation Methods for Mobile Phone Frequencies in October 2021 to conduct a survey and analysis of frequency allocation methods of foreign countries, and consider new allocation methods for mobile phone frequencies in Japan, learning from the merits etc. of the frequency allocation methods of foreign countries from the results of the survey and analysis.
MIC releases the First summary based on the topics discussed at the study group, such as the potential advantages and disadvantages of a spectrum auction used in foreign countries and measures to address these disadvantages.

2. Published material

  • *
    The published material is in Japanese only.


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