June 3, 2022 Solicitation of Opinions on Draft Ministerial Ordinance, Notices, and Directive for Partial Revisions to Regulations for Enforcement of the Radio Act

Introduction of next-generation standards for EPIRB

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) will make a solicitation of opinions on a draft ministerial ordinance etc., for partial revisions to Regulations for Enforcement of the Radio Act from Saturday, June 4 through Monday, July 4, 2022.

1. Outline

1. Introduction of next-generation standards for EPIRB

Resolution MSC.471 was adopted at the 471th meeting of Maritime Safety Committee under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on June 14, 2019. According to the resolution, Automatic Identification System (AIS) and the new phase-shift keying method (offset quadrature phase-shift keying) are added to the standards for emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB). In response to this, MIC drafted the ministerial ordinance etc. to partially revise the Regulations for Enforcement of the Radio Act etc., for the introduction of the new standards.

2. Relaxation of time limit for the test radio wave of aircraft ELT

Transmission of test signal using the frequency of 121.5MHz for aircraft ELT (emergency locator transmitter) is limited to 0 min to 5 min every hour. When an aircraft is struck by lightning, an operation test of the relevant facility is being implemented by the time of the next flight. However, because it is causing difficulties with the on-time operation of aircraft due to the timing of test transmission, there is growing demand for the relaxation of limitation on test time. In response, MIC drafted the revision of the relevant Notice, MIC Notice No. 1096 of 2005.

MIC has decided to make this solicitation for opinions on the draftt.

2. Period for submission of opinions

From Saturday, June 4 and no later than Monday, July 4, 2022
(Opinions, if submitted by postal mail, will be accepted if postmarked the same day.)

3. Future schedule

MIC will take into consideration the submitted opinions and the report to the Radio Regulatory Council made in response to the consultation from the Council, and revise the relevant ministerial ordinances.

4. How to obtain reference information

MIC will make the reference information available for viewing and obtaining copies at the Fixed and Satellite Radio Communications Division, Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau, MIC. These materials will also be posted on the public comment page of the e-Gov.

  • *
    The published material is in Japanese only.


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FAX: +81 3 5253 5924