July 13, 2022 Study Group on the Utilization of Metaverse Towards Web3 Era

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) will hold a Study Group on the Utilization of Metaverse Towards Web3 Era with a view to identifying issues with information and communications administration, in light of the rapid development in the use of the metaverse and focusing on various use cases.

1. Purpose

Against the backdrop of the growing use of the metaverse and the development of a market for Web3, MIC decided to hold a Study Group on the Utilization of Metaverse Towards Web3 Era with a view to identifying issues with information and communications administration, in terms of the users' understanding and digital infrastructure, while focusing on various use cases, so as to increase convenience for users, provide services appropriately and smoothly.

2. Topics for study

  • 1.
    matters relating to the increase of convenience for users in the use of the metaverse
  • 2.
    matters relating to the clarification of issues with the use of the metaverse, categorized by use cases
  • 3.
    impact of the development of use of the metaverse on digital infrastructure, socioeconomic activities, users etc.
  • 4.
    in addition to the topics described in (1) through (3) above, other matters with respect to the use of the metaverse in the forthcoming era

3. Schedule

The first meeting will be held on Monday, August 1, 2022, and subsequent meetings will be held in succession.
The guidance of the meeting will be publicized on the MIC website.

  • *
    The published materials are in Japanese only.


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