September 29, 2022 Solicitation of Opinions on the Draft Summary of the Study Group on New Allocation Methods for Mobile Phone Frequencies

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has been holding a Study Group on New Allocation Methods for Mobile Phone Frequencies (Chaired by YANAGAWA Noriyuki, Professor, Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo) from October 2021, to further promote the effective use of radio waves in light of the rapid increase in the need to use mobile phone frequencies. The Study Group compiled a draft of the "Summary of the Study Group on New Allocation Methods for Mobile Phone Frequencies." Accordingly, MIC will solicit opinions on the draft from Friday, September 30 through Monday, October 31, 2022.

1. Outline

In Japan, the need for mobile phone frequencies is rapidly increasing due to the introduction of 5G, and there is a growing need to further promote the effective use of radio waves.
Against this background, MIC has conducted a broad survey and analysis of frequency allocation methods of other countries. MIC launched the Study Group on New Allocation Methods for Mobile Phone Frequencies in October 2021 to consider new allocation methods for mobile phone frequencies in Japan, considering the merits of the frequency allocation methods of other countries.
As the Study Group has compiled a draft of the Summary of the Study Group on New Allocation Methods for Mobile Phone Frequencies, MIC will solicit opinions on the draft as follows.

2. Procedure of solicitation of opinions

(1) Subjects of solicitation of opinions: Draft Summary of the Study Group on New Allocation Methods for Mobile Phone Frequencies
(2) Submission deadline: Monday, October 31, 2022 (submission of opinions by postal mail must also arrive no later than the deadline)

MIC will post the reference information related to this solicitation of opinions on the public comment page of the e-Gov ( a new window).
MIC will also make the reference information available for viewing and obtaining copies at the Radio Policy Division, Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau, MIC (10th Floor, MIC).

  • *
    The published material is in Japanese only.


For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website

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