January 10, 2023 Solicitation of Proposals Related to New R&D Themes Contributing to Expansion of Radio Wave Resources

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) will solicit proposals as specified below from Wednesday, January 11 through Friday, March 10, 2023. MIC aims to utilize its results as basic data in selecting research and development (R&D) themes to be newly implemented from fiscal 2024 to expand radio wave resources.

1. Background and purpose

MIC is implementing R&D to expand radio resources to promote the effective use of radio waves. The purpose of the R&D is to alleviate the tight situation of frequencies due to an expansion of frequency demand caused by a recent increase in communications volume. Furthermore, the R&D aims to respond to new frequency demand accurately.
The purpose of this appeal is to seek proposals for new R&D themes that will expand radio resources and provide basic data for selecting the new R&D themes to be implemented from fiscal 2024.

2. Submission period

From Wednesday, January 11 through Friday, March 10, 2023

3. Proposal procedure


The R&D themes for which MIC makes a solicitation this time should meet the following requirements (1 and 2).
However, R&D themes overlapping with those already implemented, technologies that have already been developed and have no R&D elements, or combinations of these, are not eligible.
The solicitation this time does not recruit R&D contractors.

  1. 1.

    R&D issues related to technologies that contribute to the effective use of radio waves (a. Technologies that efficiently use frequencies, b. Technologies that promote shared use of frequencies, and c. Technologies that promote the transition to higher frequencies). For example, the following technologies are applicable.

    1. 1.
      Technologies for efficient use of radio waves, such as the compression of currently used frequency bands
    2. 2.
      Technologies that enable the joint use of new wireless systems under existing wireless systems
    3. 3.
      Technologies to pioneer technical and economical use of high-frequency bands such as the high-microwave band, millimeter-wave band, and terahertz band, and promote migration to these frequency bands
  2. 2.
    R&D themes must be completed within approximately five years.

2. Proposal method

There are no particular restrictions on the eligibility of proposals.
An applicant should fill out the specified form with the required information in Japanese and submit it by email by the deadline.

Submission address

Development Office, Radio Policy Division, Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Central Gov't Building No. 2 10F, 2-1-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8926
Tel: 03-5253-5876
Email: wireless-rd_atmark_ml.soumu.go.jp

  • *
    To prevent spam, @ is expressed as "_atmark_."
    Change "_atmark_" to @ when you send an email.

Submission deadline

No later than 5:00 pm on Friday, March 10, 2023

4. Handling of proposals

  1. 1.
    The content of proposals submitted will be utilized as basic data for considering projects to be newly implemented from FY2024 for the R&D for Future Expansion of Radio Wave Resources.
    In this process, the Development Office may inquire about the content of your proposal.
  2. 2.
    MIC will request the budget for the necessary amount for R&D theses decided to be given priority among those submitted after being examined by an assessment committee consisting of academic experts (around July 2023) to start the implementation of the R&D in FY2024.

5. Others

MIC plans to make a public solicitation for contractors around March 2024 for the R&D themes to be implemented fromFY2024 based on this proposal.

  • *
    The published materials are in Japanese only.


For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website

Global Strategy Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC

TEL: +81 3 5253 5920

FAX: +81 3 5253 5924