April 12, 2023 Administrative Guidance for Chuwi Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) confirmed that some products sold by Chuwi Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. (headed by CEO Lihua Yang), a certified dealer under the Radio Act (Act No. 131 of 1950), have not received technical regulations conformity certification. As a result, MIC has today issued administrative guidance to the company, requiring them to take necessary measures, including steps to prevent a recurrence.

1. Case overview

Some specified radio equipment (notebook PCs and tablets) sold by Chuwi Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. as a certified dealer under the Radio Act (Act No. 131 of 1950) have not received technical regulations conformity certification for the 5GHz band and are capable of emitting radio waves. Furthermore, it has been discovered that the company sold products with misleading and confusing technical conformity mark.

Using such specified radio equipment may cause interference with other radio stations, and users of this equipment would violate the Radio Act.

2. Content of guidance

MIC has today issued a stern warning to the company. In addition, MIC has instructed the company to immediately take necessary measures, such as obtaining technical regulations conformity certification. MIC also instructed the company to report on the details of the measures taken and promptly report on future measures to prevent a recurrence.


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