May 14, 2024 A Request to Related Organizations Regarding the Prevention of Interference with Wireless Communications by Photovoltaic Systems
With the proliferation of photovoltaic systems, numerous cases have been reported involving interference with wireless facilities due to unwanted radio emissions from such systems. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has notified related organizations of this issue and requested they consider to respond.
1. Overview
With the recent proliferation of photovoltaic systems, numerous cases have been reported involving interference with the disaster prevention administrative radios of local governments or digital radios used for fire extinguishing or medical emergencies due to unwanted radio emissions from such systems.
To address this issue, MIC requested the Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association and the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association to inform their related companies of the possibility that unwanted radio emissions from photovoltaic systems may interfere with radio equipment and to consider measures to reduce the impact on radio communications.
2. Future plans
MIC plans to reflect the international standards on unwanted radio emissions from photovoltaic systems (CISPR 11 " Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement") in domestic systems. Additionally, we will raise awareness through our website
For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website
Global Strategy Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC
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