April 17, 2020 Public Appeal for Proposals on Project for Promoting Joint AI Development of Local Governments under FY2020 Budget
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has decided to make a public appeal for demonstration groups for a survey and research on AI utilization in local governments as a part of a Project for Promoting Joint AI Development of Local Governments.
Public Appeal for Demonstration Groups for a Survey and Research on AI Utilization in Local Governments
1. Summary of demonstration
1. Demonstration outline
This project will conduct research and demonstration of cloud AI services (hereafter, “cloud AI” collectively) used by local governments to input
information for collecting and accumulating data (i.e., non-public data, such as business information) when performing administrative procedures.
MIC encourages demonstration groups to utilize public cloud AI services. However, with consideration of the current review status of
information security requirements for local governments, this fiscal year’s demonstration will not hinder the use of the Local Government Wide
Area Network-Application Service Provider (LGWAN-ASP) system.
Furthermore, demonstration groups should take relevant governmental considerations into account. For instance, they should design the standard
operating specifications of specific information security related to services that utilize cloud AI and the appropriate transfer, generation, and
sharing methods of data between the network environment of local governments and cloud AI.
2. Proposal subject
Consortium of multiple local governments and business operators
3. Planned number of consortiums to be adopted
Three groups
2. How to submit documents
1. Submission deadline
No later than 2 pm on Friday, May 29, 2020
2. Method of submission
Create submission documents following the public appeal guidelines and proposal document formats and submit them by email to the Regional Communications Development Division of MIC’s Information and Communications Bureau. Refer to 3. Documents to be submitted for details on the public appeal guidelines.
3. Documents to be submitted
1. Public appeal guidelines
2. Attachment 2. Proposal formats of survey and research on AI utilization in local governments
4. Relevant URL
• Promotion of data utilization and applicationhttps://www.soumu.go.jp/menu_seisaku/ictseisaku/ictriyou/bigdata.html
For further information about this press release, please fill in the inquiry form and submit it to MIC on the website
International Policy Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC
TEL: +81 3 5253 5920
FAX: +81 3 5253 5924