Home > Director-General for Policy Planning (Statistical Policy) > Establishing and improving statistical standards

Establishing and improving statistical standards

 To ensure the accuracy and objectivity of statistics, and promote comparability and the effective use of statistics, four statistical standard classifications have been established in Japan. They are as follows:

  1. Japan Standard Industrial Classification
    (Established in 1949, with the fourteenth revision of 2023 now in force)
  2. Japan Standard Occupational Classification
    (Established in 1960, with the fifth revision of 2009 now in force)
  3. Japan Standard Commodity Classification
    (Established in 1950, with the fifth revision of 1990 now in force)
  4. Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death
    (Established in 1948, with the forth revision of 1994 now in force)

 At the 166th Session of the Diet held in May 2007, the new Statistics Act (Act No. 53 of 2007; hereinafter the "New Act") approved for the purpose of promoting systematic and efficient development of official statistics and ensuring the usefulness thereof, along with the establishment of the concept of Statistical Standards-technical standards for ensuring uniformity and comprehensiveness in producing official statistics. The statistical standards are to be established by the Minister based on the New Act as a generic name of what serves as standards in producing official statistics. Also under the New Act which provides for the establishment of the Statistics Commission, the former Statistics Council has been reorganized into the Statistics Commission.

 The Japan Standard Industrial Classification and the Japan Standard Occupational Classification are determined after consulting with the Statistics Commission, and promulgated by the Minister. The Japan Standard Commodity Classification is determined by the Minister after consulting with experts. The Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death is drafted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, determined after consulting with the Statistics Commission, and promulgated by the Minister.


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