総務省トップ > 政策 > 国民生活と安心・安全 > 行政相談 > 行政相談とは > 総務省 ( そうむしょう ) の 行政 ( ぎょうせい ) 相談 ( そうだん ) とは About MIC Administrative Counseling Service

About MIC Administrative Counseling Service

総務省(そうむしょう)行政(ぎょうせい)相談(そうだん)は、(くに)行政(ぎょうせい)などに(かん)する苦情(くじょう)意見(いけん)、「こうしてほしい」と(おも )うことを()()けます。()()けた相談(そうだん)解決(かいけつ)し、行政(ぎょうせい)制度(せいど)仕事(しごと)をより()くするために、担当(たんとう)役所(やくしょ)(はたら)きかけ(あっせん)を(おこな )います。

MIC Administrative Counseling is a service which receives a citizen complaint, opinion and request regarding central government administration. Standing in a different perspective from the ministries and agencies in charge, we provide mediation to facilitate resolution of the complaint as well as to realize improvement of administrative systems and operations.


When to Contact Us

Administrative Counseling will help those who have a problem related to central government administration such as follows:
  • * 担当(たんとう)行政(ぎょうせい)機関(きかん)(たい)して、苦情(くじょう)意見(いけん)、「こうしてほしい」と(おも)うことがあるとき
    • When you have a complaint, opinion or request regarding an administrative service, operation and so on of the government ministry in charge
  • * (なや)みごとに関係(かんけい)する行政(ぎょうせい)機関(きかん)複数(ふくすう)あるとき
    • When your problem involves multiple government ministries and agencies

People who don't know where to contact for questions regarding the following matters are also welcome:
  • * (ほう)規制(きせい)制度(せいど)
    • Laws, Regulations and Systems
  • * 政府(せいふ)政策(せいさく)対策(たいさく)
    • Government Policies and Measures
  • * 行政(ぎょうせい)手続(てつづき)
    • Administrative Procedures
Contact Point for Administrative Counseling

Features of Administrative Counseling

Support a Wide Range of Administrative Fields

Administrative Counseling deals with issues related to a wide range of administrative fields including immigration, social insurance, labor relations, tax, telecommunication, life and traffic safety.

Different Perspective from Organization in Charge

Once receiving your problem, we will see things from a different perspective than the organization in charge, and according to the needs, provide mediation to resolve the conflict.

Easy to Use

  • * 準備(じゅんび)はいりません。
    • No special preparation is required.
  • * 相談(そうだん)無料(むりょう)です。
    • Free of charge.
  • * 秘密(ひみつ)(まも)ります。
    • Personal information will be kept strictly confidential.

Public Relations Materials

Please see below for more details about Administrative Counseling.
